Hager Group Annual Report 2022/23

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Powering up with education: our 2022/23 Annual Report is now available to order in French, German and English.

At Hager Group we have always have been serious about education. Our people and industry have a responsibility to train and lead the way for new developments.

“Education is thepassport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”
Malcolm X

This year’s annual report focuses onthe people and educative systems in place that are making these changes happen despite the difficulties with the war for talents. The various chapters showthe direction we are taking and our initiatives to shape the electrical world of tomorrow.

Our approach sets us apart and we know that together we will be a force to reckon with, together we will be stronger and more agile.

Curious to discover our next Annual Report?

Please note that the number of printed copies is limited in order to favour online consultation https://hagergroup.com/annualreport/2022-23/en/home/

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